Three fabulous 2020 Predictions about the Fashion Industry
Fashion is one of the sectors that have a more significant impact on the world’s economy. However, it is the second-largest environment contaminant in the world. The industry is not static but changes gradually over time. As technology, fashion is also fast-moving and cyclic. The changes are mainly due to technological evolution. As technology continues to grow, fashion-related companies try to define the future of the clothing industry, specifically the fast-fashion. The future of fashion is highly unpredictable without considering the impact the technology has on it. There are several notable predictions of vogue regarding the technology fork into the industry.
Here are the three remarkable future predictions on fashion.
1. Fashion sustainability and transparency
Maintaining ecological balance is an essential fact in any industry. Technology plays a crucial role in defining fashion sustainability. Over time, more consumers will be willing to pay more on sustainable fashions. Technology innovations such as synthetic processes significantly impact and create opportunities for sustainable trends. For instance, some companies use pineapples to create new leather materials such as vegan leather, to eliminate harmful products. As technology continues to evolve, companies will produce more biodegradable clothing materials and, therefore, enhancing vogue sustainability.
2. Tech fashions will be more efficient
As technology evolves, so do styles integrate too. The trend is becoming the mainstream of technology development. Although tech and fashion have been two different industries, they are now intersecting and working together for the betterment of both sectors. For example, in the past few years, when smart-watches got in the market, some consumers perceived them as toys to be worn. Nowadays, as technology advances, consumers embrace these devices. Tech industries are still inventing more tech-wears such as artificial intelligence wearable devices, like Duo skin, that can track one’s emotions, which are well embraced by consumers. By 2020, more of these devices will be in the market as part of fast fashion.
3. E-commerce in fashion industries
Online stores are gradually replacing the traditional stores. More consumers are now looking for their desirable outfits in the online store. Innovations in technology, which have led to the rise of e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, among others, have significantly facilitated this replacement. Besides, clothing industries are shifting to online business. The number of online shoppers will rapidly rise by 2020.
So are you ready for a change? The future of fashion has unleashed with a new consumer experience. Although the vogue industry has been one of the fastest-growing among production industries, we can conclude that innovations in the tech industry are the leading cause of this development. Also, the possible predictions on the fashion industry are derivations from the forecast of the tech industry.